NICG Updates

The OKâlaKatiget Radio tried contacting all the coastal Inuit Community Governments for their community updates.

With only one response back from all 5 communities.

The Nain Inuit Community Government are still shorthanded.

We spoke with Angajukâk Joe Dicker of Nain.

He says right now they stopped the cemetery project for now and are currently trying to finish off the new bridge, which is now half completed.

Some delays with work on the new bridge were due to high tide, which can’t be helped said Angajukâk.

Dicker says the council workers are doing their regular stuff work and have started cleaning up the garage.

The running of operations for the town isstill normal but they are currently short-staffed, which also can’t be helped.

Projects with Nunatsiavut Construction Inc began their contract at the lower end of the Subdivision.

He adds that the other projects in town are being done by Nunatsiavut Government.

NG has their commission for their tenders which were approved, the engineer for the contractors will be done.

One tender is on the Sewer contract which is still in the process and is awaiting NG to put on their agenda.

Dicker says they put out an application for the Enhancement program and won’t hear back now until the end or close to September.