Pamela Frieda is the temporary Food security coordinator for Hopdale.
She says that she is starting a pilot project and looking for hunters that are interested in helping to fill the freezer.
Gas and bullets will be compensated for any fish, seal meat, porpoise meat etc.
Gas will be determined by how far you travel and how much food is brought to the freezer.
-Gas will be compensated for the distance you travel
-If you donate EVERYTHING you catch, you will be compensated for the whole travel distance, if you decide to keep half your catch and you will be compensated for half the travel distance.
-If you wish to get the gas before you make the trip, you will be expected to travel again if there is no catch for the day you receive the gas.
– Hunters must sign off on their contribution & we will only accept food handled in a safe manner (clean and bag) bags are available at our office if needed.
If you are interested or have any questions, please call 933-3864 or leave your name here, you can also reach me by email @