NunatuKavut Celebration

NunatuKavut Community Council will be celebrating NunatuKavut History, Place and Culture in Cartwright next month.

The celebration starts on Sunday, September 21st will be Treaty Day, commemoration of British-Inuit Treaty of 1765.

At 8am, here will be flag raising at the Wunderstrands at Akami-Uapishk at the KakKasuat – Mealy-Mountains National Park Reserve. The public are welcome to attend in their own boats at their own risk. Departing Cartwright wharf by 8:30am, please follow NCC ENR boats to designated site at north river.

At 11:30 am, an opening ceremony takes place at the Recreation Centre. Draws for some awesome prizes will be made throughout both days. You must be present to receive the prize.

Sign up sheets for the afternoon cultural activities will be available at that time.

At 12 noon, Fish fry at the Recreation Centre a variety of fish dishes, different salads and chicken, sweets and beverages will be served.

At 1pm, simultaneous craft cultural sessions session 1- embroidery with Pete Barrett at Mealy Mountains Gallery- sign up is required.

Net mending with Josh Burdett in Josh’s shed.

There will be a children’s tent with coloring and painting outside the Recreation Centre.

Learn to drum for seniors at the Recreation Centre – sign up is required.

At 3pm, Simultaneous cultural activities sessions 2 is – Inuktitut sessions, at the Parish Hall for an hour, sign up required.

And again, an Embroidery with Pete Barrett and net mending with Josh Burdette and kids coloring, painting and learn to drum with kids.

Hotdogs and burgers will be served at 5pm, and there will be Inuit Games at 6pm.

Masks are encouraged but not mandatory. One of the prizes is two PAL airline tickets, Kajak and tents. President Todd Russell will hold the closing ceremony.