Pauktuutit Board Meeting

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada held their Board of Directors meeting with its new board on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.

And announced the following changes to their leadership team, for their Annual General Meeting in February 2023.

Nancy Etok, representing Ungava, Nunavut, Urban Representative, Malaya Zher, was appointed as the new Secretary-Treasurer.

These elections were required to fill vacant seats. Both Pauletta Tremblett, Vice- President and Michelle Gruben , Secretary-Treasurer resigned from their executive positions due to competing work and family priorities. However, Michelle Gruben remains as member in Inuvialuit region.

Roxanne Barbour was nominated to run for Ordinary Member of the Nunatsiavut Assembly, so has resigned as Pauktuutit’s representative for Nunatsiavut.

Pauktuutit is also pleased to welcome the new member Board of Directors.

Lynn Blackwood was appointed Board Member representing Happy Valley-Goose Bay, in place of Paulette Tremblay. Dawn Michelin was appointed Board Director representing Nunatsiavut region in place of Roxanne Barbour. President, Gerri Sharpe applauds Nancy Etok and Malaya Zehr for joining her in the executive roles and congratulates new board members. On behalf of Pauktuutit, she wishes the outgoing board members the best and thanks them for their time.

Sharpe says “We are excited to welcome those strong women, incoming members bring in energy and ideas to the leadership team. This brings a total of 13, we are really looking forward to work ahead, our ambition is to help Pauktuutit have a voice at the leadership tables and to help all Inuit across Canada.

Nancy Etok is the Vice-President of Ulluriak School in kangitluajutsuak, Quebec. Empowering Inuit Youth is one of her main goals.