Postville Easter Sports

The Postville Recreation staff also got their Easter Sports schedule set up for their community.

Jacqueline Harris is the acting Recreation Director with the Postville Inuit Community Government.

The sports will happen from April 19 until April 22, 2022 out on the ice off of Goudie’s Point.

On Tuesday, April 19th, at 10AM the Annual Bryce Gear Memorial Shooting Match will be held for anyone ages 16 years and older.

The judging for the Snow Sculpture contest will start at 3pm.

At 6pm, there will be the Easter bingo, cards will be sold at the Kaipokok Community Centre from 3 to 5pm.

The day will end with a dance for children ages 12 years and younger at the Community Centre.

On Wednesday, April 20, families will be doing a digital scavenger hunt at 11am.

There will be outdoor games all afternoon from 1 to 5pm, for children ages zero to 2 years of age, 3 to 4 years of age, students in grade kindergarten to grade 2, grade 4 to grade 6, grade 7 to grade 9 and grade 10 to grade 12.

At 5pm, the community will be having a potluck at the Community Centre.

There will be a poker run that evening at 8pm for anyone ages 16 years and older and anyone ages 14 years and older that’s accompanied by a partner that’s 19 years and older.

There will be more of the Easter Sports in Postville coming later from Harris.