Two of the Postville Ground Search and Rescue members did some ice checks last Friday, January 14 northeast of Postville also to the southwest of Postville and here are the measurements:
Tom Oliver’s 12 inches
Spruce point 14 inches
Shoal point 17 inches
Lower spruce point 10 inches
Off of Libby’s brook 14 inches
Jim’s harbour (Jessie’s cabin) area 12 inches
Cape war 11 inches
Midway across the bay from cape war to little neck 11 inches
Southwest of Postville
Sandy point 9 inches
Joe sitters cove 11 inches
Big point 12 inches
Midway across from joe sitters cove to big point 10 inches
Captsian point 11 inches
Please note the area southwest of Postville ice measurements are measuring 9 inches at the thinnest places.
There are a number of small open areas (holes) between Joe Sitters Cove and Big Point; it is not recommended to use this route until all holes are frozen and safe for travel.
As for northeast of Postville, no other places were checked other than what’s mentioned if you are travelling in these areas, and please use care and caution.