Constituency of Nain,NL:
Candidate Anthony Andersen advance poll at 18, regular poll at 110 and a total of 128.
Candidate Roxanne Andersen advance poll at 12, regular poll at 115 and a total of 127.
Candidate Jim Lyall advance poll at 12, regular poll at 83 and total a of 95.
Constituency of Hopedale:
Candidate James Abia Tuttauk regular poll at 41 and a total of 41.
Candidate Terry Vincent regular poll at 71 and a total of 71.
Constituency of Makkovik:
Candidate Thomas Evans advance poll at 47, regular poll at 50 and a total of 97.
Candidate Kate Mitchell advance poll at 13, regular poll at 32 and a total of 45.
Constituency of Rigolet:
Candidate Kevin Pottle advance poll at 1, regular poll at 14 and a total of 15.
Candidate Melva Williams advance poll at 18, regular poll at 109 and a total of 127.
Constituency of Upper Lake Melville:
Candidate Wilson (Wally) Andersen advance poll at 149, mail-in Ballots at 2, regular poll at 343 and a total of 494.
Candidate Gerald Asivak advance poll at 76, mail-in Ballots at 3, regular poll at 186 and a total of 265.
Candidate Max Blake advance poll at 62, mail-in Ballots at 1, regular poll at 176 and a total of 239.
Candidate Marlene Winters-Wheeler advance poll at 66, mail-in Ballots at 2, regular poll at 129 and a total of 197.
Constituency of Canada:
Candidate Darlene Gear-White mail-in Ballots at 186.
Candidate Zippie Nochasak mail-in Ballots at 203.
Candidate Susan Sonya-Onalik mail-in Ballots at 273.
Candidate Roland Saunders mail-in Ballots at 275.
Candidate Bryan Winters mail-in Ballots at 272.