The Provincial Government will be expanding the province’s bivalent vaccine offerings. Beginning on February 6, 2023, Pfizer Comirnaty BA 4/5 COVID-19 vaccine will be available for children aged five to 11, based on NACI and Health Canada recommendations. This is the first bivalent vaccine authorized for use in this population.
Also, beginning February 6, 2023, Moderna BA 4/5 will be available for individuals 18 year of age and older. This new offering adds to the current booster campaign currently available for individuals 18 years of age and older. There are now three different formulations of bivalent vaccine for this age group (Pfizer BA 4/5, Moderna Omicron/BA1 and Moderna BA 4/5).
Bivalent COVID-19 vaccine remains the preferred choice for booster doses for individuals 5 years of age and older. Children who have not yet received their fall booster (since September 21, 2022), and whose last vaccine was at least 20 weeks ago can now avail of this bivalent vaccine through regional health authorities. Individuals that received a booster after September 21, 2022 do not need an additional booster at this time, even if it has been 20 weeks or more since their fall booster. Primary series vaccination continues to be recommended for individuals aged six months to under five years
Appointments can be booked through regional health authority clinics by visiting the COVID-19 website. Additionally, appointments can also be made through participating pharmacists and physicians for individuals 12 years of age and older. You may need to check periodically for availability at any of these vaccine sites, as appointments are continually being added as vaccine supply is received.
Vaccinations remain an important tool to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19 as well as reducing the risk of severe disease.