
The Qanuippita Inuit Health Survey is being conducted throughout the 4 Inuit regions Including Nunatsiavut.

The Qanuippita Inuit Health Survey was last conducted in 2017, and is meant to be held every five years.

Fieldworkers collect data on the current health of Inuit of all ages in all Inuit communities across the country.

The focus of the survey will be on the overall health of Inuit, including factors identified as important social determinants of Inuit health such as housing, food security, mental well-being, health services, safety and security, education, income, livelihood, culture and language.
Tina Ponniuk is the Qanuippitaa Manager for the Nunatsiavut Government’s Department of Health and Social Development.
Ponniuk says that Makkovik and Rigolet is 100% complete.
Postville is 40% completed, Hopedale is 98% and Nain is approximately 25% completed.
Ponniuk adds that Field workers will return to Nain on the 18th of September to continue its surveys.
She also adds that they just hired on a new Qanuippitaa coordinator, Jillian Michelin of Happy Valley Goose Bay was the successful applicant, and she will be travelling to Nain on the 18th, while Ponniuk will be in Nain on the 20th.