LATP Office in Hopedale

The Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership office in Hopedale are still accepting applications for the safety bundle training.

We spoke with Georgia Abel the Nunatsiavut Career Counsellor.

She says for those who picked up applications for the safety bundle training, please fill out the application as soon as possible, and hand it back to her.

Right now, she has received 6 applications for the safety training.

And there are 15 seats available, if they go over the limit there will be a wait list.

For anyone who has applications for underground mining please come to the office to fill out more paperwork.

Keep in mind, NORCAT can only take 6 miners at a time.

So, if you aren’t selected for this term your application will still be in line for another upcoming underground mining training.

Anyone interested in filling out wage subsidy applications can come and get more information at my office.

In order to qualify for funding from LATP you must be unemployed or under-employed,Also, a clear code of conduct.

For more information you can contact her by email: and her phone number is 709-933-3367.

Coastal Community Freezer Updates

OKâlaKatiget Radio contacted the coastal communities on the community freezers.

Hopedale has caribou, cod fish, and char available.

In Rigolet they are still waiting on their shipment of goods.

Postville had Char, Chicken, Chicken Legs, Chicken Thighs, Pork Chops, Pork Roast, Beef Roast, Chicken Nuggets, Fries, and Dry goods.

Makkovik has cod fish.

We will have the Nain freezer once it becomes available.

Back to School Back Pack Program

The first day of classes for most schools in the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District will be tomorrow Wednesday, September 6, 2023.

School-age children in kindergarten to grade 12 of single parent families are provided with grade appropriate school supplies and book-bags.

These kits are distributed in time for the start of the new school year in September.

We were in contact with all the Nunatsiavut Department of Health and Social Development offices on the north coast to find out more information about the back-to-school backpack program.

We spoke to all DHSD in the 5 communities of Nain, Hopedale, Postville, Makkovik and Rigolet.

All departments mentioned that they are still in the waiting process to receive their annual back to school backpack programs.

OKâlaKatiget Radio will have an update once it becomes available.

We hope that this is a good year for all students in Labrador as it will be the first day of school tomorrow.

After School Program Registration

The After School Program registration will start this evening, September 5, 2023, at the Jeremias Sillitt Community Centre, starting at 6pm.

The After School Program Supervisor, Gwen Dyson will be accepting 15 participants from the ages 5-7, and 8-12. The positions will be determined by first come, first served basis. Parents attending registration will be given a number placement based on time of arrival. Parents must stay present until registration is complete.

For more information, you can contact the After School Supervisor, Gwen Dyson at 709 922 2690 or 2691

Nunatsiavut Housing Commisions(Audio)

The Nunatsiavut Housing commissions are looking for Survey fieldworkers to help with their Housing Surveys on the North Coast.

We spoke with Brenna Jarar, the Director of Housing with the Nunatsiavut Housing Commission.

She says right now they are looking to recruit Fieldworkers for all 5 of the north coast communities, in Nain, Hopedale, Postville, Rigolet and Makkovik.

This housing survey is run every 5 years and this year it will be held in the fall.

The Housing commissions are responsible for the housing needs assessment.

Survey workers will be going door to door to gather information from these surveys.

Click here to find out more information about the Nunatsiavut Housing commission.

Minister of Language. Culture, and Tourism Resigns

For Immediate release, Minister of Language, Culture, and Tourism resigns.

Nunatsiavut President, Johannes Lampe, announced August 31st, 2023, that Roxanne Barbour has tendered her resignation as Minister of Language, Culture, and Tourism, effective immediately.

The President also announced that effective immediately, Anthony Andersen, Minster of Education and Economic Development, will assume the role as Acting Minister of Language, Culture, and Tourism, on an interim basis.

Mrs. Barbour remains Ordinary Member of Nain.

NICG Updates

The OKâlaKatiget Radio tried contacting all the coastal Inuit Community Governments for their community updates.

With only one response back from all 5 communities.

The Nain Inuit Community Government are still shorthanded.

We spoke with Angajukâk Joe Dicker of Nain.

He says right now they stopped the cemetery project for now and are currently trying to finish off the new bridge, which is now half completed.

Some delays with work on the new bridge were due to high tide, which can’t be helped said Angajukâk.

Dicker says the council workers are doing their regular stuff work and have started cleaning up the garage.

The running of operations for the town isstill normal but they are currently short-staffed, which also can’t be helped.

Projects with Nunatsiavut Construction Inc began their contract at the lower end of the Subdivision.

He adds that the other projects in town are being done by Nunatsiavut Government.

NG has their commission for their tenders which were approved, the engineer for the contractors will be done.

One tender is on the Sewer contract which is still in the process and is awaiting NG to put on their agenda.

Dicker says they put out an application for the Enhancement program and won’t hear back now until the end or close to September.

Nain and Makkovik Fish Plant Updates

OKâlaKatiget Radio contacted both the Torngat Fish Producers Cooperative offices in Makkovik and Nain forupdates.

Angel Chaulk is the Clerk at the Makkovik Fish Plant.

She says right now they landed 304,472lb of turbot.

They currently have 3 active boatswith 24 employees working, 4 of which are students.

The Makkovik fish plant are Currently selling scallops, smoked char and fresh char.

Chaulk says they are selling scallops for $20 a lbs., smoked fish at $20 a lbs. and fresh fillets for $12 a lbs.

And at the Nain fish plant we spoke with Deidi Kohlmeister, the Office Supervisor.

She says right now they are doing their weekly cleanup at the plant.

They have 6 workers working.

And available to purchase at the Nain fish plant are smoked char, scallops, and fresh fillets.

Kohlmeister says scallops are sold at $19 a lbs., smoked fish are sold at $16.50 and fresh fillets are sold at $11.50.

Jesse Griffiths(Audio)

Jesse Griffiths Castin is looking for Inuit/Inuk and Indigenous Performers for a new Series on CBC, Netflix and APTN.

We spoke with Jesse Griffiths who is the Casting Director.

He says right now they have open spots for a story, about a young Inuk mother who wants to build a new future for herself, but it won’t be easy in her small Arctic town Iqaluit Nunavut.

Griffiths says the new Deadline date will now be as soon as possible.

This film is created by: Stacey Aglok MacDonald & Alethea Arnaquq-Baril.

Shooting Dates: If you are selected, filming will take place on or before March- July of 2024, though you will not be required for the entire shoot.

Shoot Location: Iqaluit, Nunavut – Travel and accommodation will be provided.

This is a paid opportunity.

If you’re an Inuk between the Ages of 8 years old to 80-year-old you can apply today!

No previous acting experience is required.

Click here to our Atjikangitut show today to find out more.

TaKuaKautik Give Away

The Nain TaKuaKautik Food Bank will hold their Food giveaway today.

The TaKuaKautik is available to anyone in need, with one bag per family, and are open once a month, on the last Thursday of the month.

This month’s distribution will be held today, Thursday August 31, 2023, from 5-7pm.

The food bank is run 100% on volunteers and donations.

Donations are always helpful to keep food on their shelves to be able to feed our community.

If you have any food donations, the food bank is always accepting donations to keep the food bank open.

For more information or to donate you can message any committee member on Facebook or email