Smart ICE

Smart ICE in Nain is recruiting for production trainees, for youth ages 18-30.

Rex Holwell, Manager of Nunatsiavut Operations has an employment readiness and technology development program, in fall of September 18-October 12, 2023.

The workshop involves in workplace training for computer skills, resume building, managing workplace stress, effective communication, SmartBUOY technical training and production. There is also training courses such as First AID and Personal development.

The rate of pay is $17.50/h from Monday-Thursday, with 20 hours a week.

Any youth interested please contact Rex Holwell, Manager of Nunatsiavut Operations to set up an appointment to meet. Contact number is 709-899-6362, or email

Holwell adds that he is still accepting names for a couple more weeks for this and if you have any questions please contact his cell phone number.

Ernestina Ittulak(Audio)

Ernestina Ittulak of Nain was one of the relocates that travelled to Hebron this summer.

Ittulak was relocated from Hebron and attended the last reunion back in 1999.

There were other participants there from Nunavik and the other communities on the North Coast and Upper Lake Melville.

Ittulak says they tried some hunting, fishing and berry picking.

Click here to find out more from Ittulak about her trip.

TaKuaKautik Give Away

The Nain TaKuaKautik Food Bank will hold their Food giveaway tomorrow.

The TaKuaKautik is available to anyone in need, with one bag per family, and are open once a month, on the last Thursday of the month.

This month’s distribution will be held tomorrow, Thursday August 31, 2023, from 5-7pm.

The food bank is run 100% on volunteers and donations.

Donations are always helpful to keep food on their shelves to be able to feed our community.

If you have any food donations, the food bank is always accepting donations to keep the food bank open.

For more information or to donate you can message any committee member on Facebook or email

Smart ICE

Smart ICE in Nain is recruiting for production trainees, for youth ages 18-30.

Rex Holwell, Manager of Nunatsiavut Operations has an employment readiness and technology development program, in fall of September 18-October 12, 2023.

The workshop involves in workplace training for computer skills, resume building, managing workplace stress, effective communication, SmartBUOY technical training and production. There is also training courses such as First AID and Personal development.

The rate of pay is $17.50/h from Monday-Thursday, with 20 hours a week.

Any youth interested please contact Rex Holwell, Manager of Nunatsiavut Operations to set up an appointment to meet. Contact number is 709-899-6362, or email

Holwell adds that he is still accepting names for a couple more weeks for this and if you have any questions please contact his cell phone number.

Nunatsiavut Government Hub

Tuesday, August 29, 2023 the Nunatsiavut Government made an Immediate News Release.

The Nunatsiavut Government will operate a new Happy Valley Goose Bay Hub, and has agreed in principle to act as the operator of a new purpose built facility, a hub, to be constructed in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

“With our vast experience in administering support programs in both Nunatsiavut and Upper Lake Melville, it’s only fitting to use our expertise in managing the new Happy Valley-Goose Bay Hub,” said Johannes Lampe, President of Nunatsiavut.

NG currently operates the Happy Valley-Goose Bay Emergency shelter (Housing Hub) and the Supportive Living Program on behalf of the provincial government.

The building is open during the day to allow individuals to access laundry facilities, shower facilities and lunches when required.

It has become a communication center for those homeless in the community, and for family and service providers trying to maintain contact.
The initial location of the shelter was meant to be temporary as it was not an ideal space and was quickly outgrown.

There are currently 12 individuals at the shelter on a regular basis and approximately 20 individuals placed at the Labrador Inn (overflow).
This shelter has been recognized as the most progressive and barrier free shelter in the province.In addition to the Hub, NG operates seven supportive living units in Happy Valley-Goose Bay with 3-4 individuals in each unit supported by 24/7 staff. The program also supports seven apartments with one or two residents in each as well as drop-in supports.

There are generally spaces within the program for 31 individuals at any given time with funding provided by the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation.An additional two units are operated on behalf of Labrador Grenfell Health for individuals with special needs.

Nain Mental Health and Addictions Team Events

The Mental Health Team in Nain from the Department of Health and Social Development has couple programs on the go soon.

Elsie Russell is the Mental Health and Addictions Worker for DHSD.

On Saturday, September 9th there is aFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder event. This event they will have an outreach to the school, along with snacks for the students.

On Wednesday, September 13ththere is a World Suicide Prevention Day. At 6pm they will have an opening prayer than a walk down to the Nunatsiavut Government building area on the hotel road than back to the DHSD building.

There will be soup and sandwiches available, along with some T-shirts, Fanny packs, and Gloves to give away.

At 8pm they will have the candle on the window for a flame of hope. There will also be prizes during this event.

Russell adds that they also donated helmets to the daycare children in Nain, the helmets were from the Labrador Regional Wellness Association team.

School Openings(Audio)

The upcoming 2023 and 2024 school year is fast approaching.

Christina White is the Director of Labrador Schools and Northern Affairs at the Labrador Regional School Board Office in Happy Valley Goose Bay.

White says that this year, doors open for teachers and staff on September 5th, and the doors open for students on Wednesday September 6th, 2023.

White says they are very excited for this years upcoming school year with many events planned.

Click here to hear White later in our AtjiKangitut Program today.

Summer Recreation Programs in Nain

This is that last week for the Nain Recreation Programming.

There are many events planned throughout the week.

Events such as:
This morning there was a rock and canvas painting for ages 4 to 7
This afternoon from one to five, for ages 8 to 12 there is a soft ball game going on.

Tomorrow: from 9:am to 12:pm for ages 8 to 12, cup cake making, Merchandise bingo and free time at the gym.

Wednesday afternoon for ages 4 to 7, they will meet at the Jeremias Sillitt Center to head to the new dam for a paddle boat event, and a barbeque for both age groups.

On Thursday: from 9:am to 12:pm for ages 4 to 7 there will be Inuit games.
Thursday afternoon for ages 8 to 12 paddle boat at the new dam with a barbeque and this event will be for both groups.

On Friday at 9:am to 12:pm there will be capture the flag, dodge ball and a scavenger hunt and these events will be taking place at the gymnasium.

And Friday afternoon for both age groups 4 to 7 and 8 to 12, relay races will take place at the play gound.

Gwendolyn Dyson is the After School Program Supervisor for the Nain Inuit Community Government.

She says that there were 10 students hired on this summer for this summers events. They include: Serenity Ivany, Kaleb Dicker, John Dicker, Menzel Lidd, Abby Tuglavina, Caleb Obed, Michael Obed, Denzel Dicker and Sam Webb.

LATP Nain Update

An update from Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership councillor in Nain, Leah Blake.

The Safety Training will be going ahead September 25 to 29, 2023 at the Atsanik Hotel, this is provided by DMC Training.

All seats are filled, with a waiting liststarted once again. Leah will be notifying the applicants this week.

LATP have Camp Attendant training in Nain on November 13 to 23, 2023. If you are interested in this Camp Attendant training, please pick up an application or email or call (709) 922-1800. More details to follow later.

LATP are also still taking applications for the 3 day exposure trip in Sudbury, Ontario this October, this is a great opportunity if you are unsure about Underground Mine employment to get an experience working in an Underground Mine.

LATP has 6 applicants who have applied for the 5 week training program, 3 of which will be selected in the next two weeks. They will be notified as soon as we find out. If you need help with resumes, you can call, or email Leah.

Blake would like to thank you for all your interest in LATP funding opportunities.

Executive Director Job AD

The OKâlaKatiget Society has a job ad for the position of a full-time permanent Executive Director.

Under the direction of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director co-ordinates all administrative and policy activity to ensure that the OKâlaKatiget Society meets its goals and objectives.

The successful applicant should have;

• A degree in Journalism or related education and work experience
• Excellent written and oral communication skills
• High degree of self-motivation and interest in current Labrador issues
• Ability to speak and understand Inuttitut a major asset

The salary range will start at $57,000 and will commensurate with experience.

Applications can be sent to:

OKâlaKatiget Society
PO Box 160
Nain NL
A0P 1L0

Or by email at