Nain Advanced polls

Beneficiaries of the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement residing in the Constituency of Nain will head to the polls on November 7 to choose an Ordinary Member to fill a vacant seat in the Nunatsiavut Assembly.

Nominations closed yesterday October 23, 2023, at 2 p.m. (Atlantic Standard Time)

Nomination forms can be obtained from Nunatsiavut’s Electoral Officer, Nannette Blake, by e-mailing or by calling 709-899-0369.

Nain DHSD Walk-in Influenza and Vaccine Clinics

Nain Public Health will be holding a walk-in Influenza and covid-19 vaccine clinics at the DHSD building in the multipurpose room:

The first one will be held on Wednesday Oct 25, 2023, starting at 1-5pm and again from 6-8PM.

Then the next one will be held on Thursday Oct 26, 2023, at 1-5pm, and again from 6-8 PM.

And again, on Wednesday November 1, 2023, at 1-5pm and again from 6-8 PM.

Then on Tuesday November 7, 2023, from 1-5 PM, 6-8 PM then on Wednesday November 8, 2023, from 1-5pm and from 6-8pm.

Influenza vaccine is available for anyone 6 months of age or older.

Covid 19 vaccine is available for the following people:
Anyone 6 months of age or older who have not had a covid 19 vaccine in the last 6 months.

Influenza and covid 19 shots will be available and can be administered together safely during the same visit.

For further information or questions you can call the DHSD at 922-2962.

NG seeking property owners in HVGB

The Nunatsiavut Government is seeking submissions from property owners and real estate firms to secure a suitable office space for lease within the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

Deadline is Monday November 13, 2023.

The office space must offer a minimum of 15 individual office spaces, along with specific amenities and features outlined in the Proposal submission requirements below.

You can go onto the Nunatsiavut Governments website to fill out the Requests for Proposals at

Innu Nation backs out of Round table meetings with Premier Andrew Furey

The Innu Nation has backed out of round table meetings with Premier Andrew Furey.

Innu Nation grand chief Simon Pokue spoke with Labrador morning show to explain why they are backing out.

Pokue says that, along with ITK and Nunatsiavut government they do not recognize NunatuKavut Community Council as an indigenous group, and do not want to sit and meet with them anymore.

Pokue also said that MP Yvonne Jones and Minister Lisa Dempster are members of NCC, and that Minister Dempster does nothing to further the issues that concern us.

We will have more information once it becomes available.

Roxanne Barbour Ordinary Member for Nunatsiavut Assembly about her role (audio)

Roxanne Barbour is the Ordinary member for the Nunatsiavut assembly for Nain.

Her office hours are from Monday to Friday 8:30-12am and 1:00-4:30 pm.

She helps Nainimuit if they need help by sitting down and having a conversation and figuring out some solutions to issues somebody may be experiencing.

She helps by filling out applications, scanning and printing and faxing documents and identifying possible solutions for other issues.

And possible long-term goals and plans, help to her best of her abilities with working with navigating other agencies like Labrador Grenfell health, Canada revenue agency and service Canada or any other organization that someone may need help with.

She can also go to people homes if they can’t go into her office for example if someone wanted to fill out an application for income support, she can go to there home and help them fill out the income support application.

Barbour adds that herself and Angajukak Joe Dicker will be holding a Community Constituency meeting tomorrow at the Nain Pulafik boardroom from Wednesday October 25, 6-9:30 at the Nain community freezer building.

Click here to find out more about her role as ordinary member for Nain.

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador today announced the introduction of a provincial approach to ride sharing

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador today announced the introduction of a provincial approach to ride sharing.

This approach, developed after many discussions with multiple community partners, municipalities and ride sharing companies, will provide a clear and simple set of rules to enable ride sharing services to operate safely in Newfoundland and Labrador.

It will also help to ensure consistency in regulation and enforcement.

To assist ride sharing operators in expanding business into the province, legislative and policy changes will be introduced in the House of Assembly, including:

Eliminating the requirement for a written test and an on-road practical test in order to get a Class 4 driver’s licence to drive either a taxi or ride sharing vehicle;

Waiving the requirement for a taxi licence plate to be on any ride sharing vehicle;

Providing clear and concise definitions for a transportation network, a transportation network company and a ride sharing service;

Clarifying the definition of taxi to not include ride sharing services;

Introducing a system of licensing transportation network companies; and

Amending municipal legislation to limit their jurisdiction to taxi services only and not ride sharing.

If passed in the House of Assembly, these changes will require the same safety standards for both taxis and ride sharing providers in Newfoundland and Labrador.

They will also ease some of the administrative burden to help meet demand for affordable, reliable and safe transportation services in the province. The rules for both taxi and ride sharing drivers will be the same, supporting a competitive industry that will continue to thrive.

Rigolet, Nain, Hopedale activities with DHSD

We contacted the other DHSD offices in Rigolet, Nain and Hopedale for a community update on what programs will be happening this week.

In Rigolet we spoke with Lisa Palliser Bennett, the Community Health worker.

She says this week they are planning a women’s wellness supper; this will take part on Tuesday with the public health nurse and community health aid.

Palliser Bennett says they are still holding their Weekly food demos on Wednesday.

A senior’s supper will be held this Thursday for ages 65 +.

They will be holding a community kitchen on Sunday October 29th, this is open to 19 +.

The Mental health addiction worker is having their annual family pumpkin carving at the community hall Monday October 30, at 6:30 pm.

We also spoke with Jennifer Michelin, another community health worker.

She says every week on Tuesday and Thursday they hold a feed the children program and they cook a meal then hand out the food for students for dinner hour.

She is also helping the Rigolet Recreation department with their Halloween parties.

Youth groups are held Thursday evenings for k-3 held at the DHSD at the community room.

And a men’s cooking group will be planned this week.

In Nain we spoke with Wilma Jenkins, the community health worker for Nain.

She says they have a Halloween scavenger hunt and a window decoration contest that will be held virtually, and the DHSD will be holding a ghost story telling for 16 years and older on October 30, 2023, at the DHSD.
In Hopedale we spoke with Sukie Abel about their planned activities for this week.

She says they will be holding Halloween parties for all ages.

There will be 3 parties with the Hopedale Recreation department and after school program.

And on October 31, 2023, they will be having a haunted house with a Halloween diabetes bingo on October 24, 2023, starting at 6-8pm.

Postville, Makkovik, DHSD community update

The Coastal Department of Health and Social Development offices are busy this week, these programs and activities planned.

Barbara Edmunds is the team leader in Postville.

She says this morning they made a healthy recess snack for children grades K-12.

On Tuesday October 24 they will be holding a Seniors dinner for 65 years and older at 12 noon.

On Wednesday they will be holding a Tea night for children in grades 7-12.

Edmunds says tonight they will be holding diamond dots for seniors aged 55 years and older tonight starting at 7pm-9pm.

This week from Monday to Thursday, the Community health workers hold after school programs for grades k-6.

She adds that they held their Pumpkin carving, and they had 52 people attend, with 17 families and the DHSD handed out 29 pumpkins.

Next week there will be Diamond dots for ages 19-54.

In Makkovik we spoke with Kim Andersen the Team Leader.

Andersen says all this week will be family feast week, which started yesterday with a kid’s craft shop for ages 4 and under.

Today they hold a spooky walk and fire pit tonight starting from 6:30, they will meet at the school and walk through poet path, than end at DHSD for a fire pit.

She says tomorrow October 25, from 3:00-4:15 pm for grades k-3 will be holding a zombie chase at the community hall at 6pm.

On Wednesday from 3:00-4:15 will be a kid’s party for ages 4-6 from 6-8pm. Andersen adds that they will be giving out haunted house kits, 1 per household, for children aged 12 and under.

If you would like to have a Haunted House kit you must contact Kim or Kelly Andersen.

This Thursday at 1:30 they will hold a senior’s merchandise bingo at DHSD, costumes are optional, and you must bring an item to go towards the games.

On Friday they end the family feast week by holding a family scavenger hunt at 6pm, you must meet at the DHSD.

On October 30, children aged 5 and under will be having their daycare party at the community hall, and each night there will be a prize draw for each evening.

Nunatsiavut Assembly oral Questions (audio)

The Nunatsiavut Assembly sitting was held in Hopedale last month.

We have audio from the assembly on oral questions to ministers.

We will be airing the audio from Angijukak Barry Andersen, Jeff Montague, Roland Saunders and Tom Evans and president Johannes lampe.

click here to hear the oral questions at the NG assembly sitting.

Coastal Community Freezer update

The OKâlaKatiget Society had an update from the Community Freezers all along the coast.

Nain has a full stock right now, with char and cod fish, seal meat, along with some chicken and veggies that include potatoes, carrots, turnip, cabbage which was left over from the Sports Meet and donated. Nain residence are welcome to the Community Freezer daily, during their business hours.

Hopedale also has a full stock for their Food Pantry, with the basics, and with Caplin, Cod fish, Musk ox and Caribou meat, along with Mattak and Porpoise meat available in the community freezer. Seniors are allowed to go once a week, with the remainder of the town once every 2 weeks during business hours.

Makkovik’s and Postville’s community freezer still has Char and a few Cod fish available, residence are welcome during business hours as well.

Rigolet’s Community Freezer had supplies in, consisting of cod fillets, Char and chicken, and had it open on this Tuesday passed. They try to do it once a week or every two weeks for the residence but it all depends on their supply. Depending on what’s available for next week, they may go ahead with another opening giveaway on Tuesday, October 24, but it is still to be determined.