Nain ICG By-Elections

The By-Elections for Nain will be held on November 7th 2023 for Ordinary Member of Nain.

Advance Poll will be October 28th 2023 from 8am to 8pm.

Regular Poll will be November 7th 2023 from 8am to 8pm.

Nominations close on October 23rd 2023 at 2pm.

Qualifications of Candidates to be nominated must be at least 18 years old on Nomination Day. Not be disqualified by law from being elected as an ordinary member or from sitting in the Assembly.

Nomination papers could be picked up from 42 Middle Path Road. Samples of how to fill out your nominations are also available.

For more information, please contact Nannette Blake, Nunatsiavut Electoral Officer at 709 899 0369.

Clay Ornament making with Nunatsiavut Government

Crystal Allen is the Illusuak Manager for the Nunatsiavut Government.

She will be hosting a Clay Ornament making November 6,7,8 at the Art Studio in Nain.

There are limited spots available, and this is open to beneficiaries.

To enter your name, or if you’re interested, or if you have any further questions, please email or call 709 922 2942

Time are yet to be determined.

Stories by elder Sophie Jararuse- Keelan (audio)

Sophie Jararuse Keelan now lives in George River, Northern Quebec.

Keelan was relocated to Makkovik from Hebron when she was eleven years old.

Keelan says, she travels to Hebron, Silluak, Sallikuluk to the Torngat Mountains every opportunity she has.

She was able to visit her spring camp this summer to Kinnitukuluk, a place she hasn’t seen for approximately 60 years.

She says when she a girl her father had shot a beluga whale there and that the skeleton head of the beluga whale is still there.

Keeland also talked about the Tuniit, a tattoo that is placed on a women’s face to acknowledge their ability to sew and when they know how to clean a seal skin.

Keeland says that today, young people just put Tuniit onto their faces now without knowing the real meaning behind it, but she said she is okay with that, because times are changing.

click here to hear the interview with Sophie Keelan about her stories.

Canada Goose material giveaway in Hopedale

On October 18, 2023 there will be a Canada Goose material give away happening in Hopedale.

Materials include fabric, lining, thread and fur.

Take home sewing materials to help equip your whole family.

This will be taking place at the Nanuk Centre on October 18, 2023 from 6-8pm.

Labrador Friendship center Food bank update

The Labrador Friendship Center Food bank is open from 8am to 4pm each day.

Located at the 49 Grenfell St, in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

We spoke with Lillian Dyson who is Recipient and food bank helper.

Dyson says the food bank is open to beneficiaries and services to Labrador City, HVGB, Sheshatshiu and Mud Lake.

She adds that the intake forms and data entry forms must be completed, and you must have a valid MCP card to enroll.

Families who call in to the Labrador Friendship center are asked to call from 8:30am to 11am and food distribution is held from 2-4pm.

Family and individuals can access the food bank once a month.

Dyson adds that the donations come from everywhere, local people, local businesses, and from Labrador City.

She adds that they also hold a Housing Compromised to help homeless people, which includes a bag with fork, knife, spoon, and a cup but juice, milk, and cookies.

Client intake has increased for the Food bank from 70 families to 170 families.

If you or your family would like to get access to the food bank you must call the friendship center from 8:30 am to 11am at 709-896-8302 ext.: 201 to have your name listed and you must pick up between 2-4pm.

Nunatsiavut Executive Council Open House

The Nunatsiavut Executive Council are inviting residence of Nain to join them in an open house.

Have a chance to meet with the President, and the Nunatsiavut Executive Council at the Pulaapvik Board room at 7pm October 17, 2023.

Nunatsiavut Government still strongly encourages to keep physical distancing, the use of a non-medical mask, and hand sanitizing upon arrival of the building.

If you have further questions, please call Edna Asivak at 709 922 2942

Take back the night walk in Hopedale

The Selma Onalik Safe House in Hopedale will be having a take back the night walk on Thursday, October 19, 2023.

They are inviting residence of Hopedale to join them on a walk starting at the Selma Onalik Safe House at 6pm.

There will be soup and chilli, T-shirts to be given away, and door prizes to be won, and all are welcome.

Trades NL holding open house in Nain in November

There will be an open house in Nain, Nunatsiavut with Trades NL, an indigenous skilled trades office.

This will be taking place October 25, 2023 from 6-9pm at the Nunatsiavut Administrative building.

Trades NL offers programs such as; linkages for indigenous skilled trades, recruit, provide, and advance skilled trades workers, mentoring apprentices, advancing careers and much more.

Trades NL is located in Happy Valley Goose Bay, 21 burnwood drive, PO box 1079, station C, telephone contact 709 896 4426 and fax number is 709 896 0394

DHSD Holds Vaccine clinics in Nain (audio)

Joann Pye is the Public Health Nurse for Nain under the Department of Health and Social Development.

Pye gives some information on vaccines, who is eligible and what times and dates for Nain’s vaccine clinic this year.

If you did not have a COVID-19 shot in the last 6 months, and are 6 months of age or older, you’re welcome to get a booster shot at the walk in clinic.

Pye also mentioned that, they no longer provide rapid tests, but if you have any on hand, to go ahead and test for COVID-19 if you have flu like symptoms.

click here to hear more information on the vaccine clinic of Nain.

Moose License update with Todd Broomfield

Todd Broomfield is the Director of Renewable Resources for the Nunatsiavut Government.

Broomfield spoke briefly with us this morning giving an update on the Moose License.

Broomfield states that the Moose Hunting season opened September 18, 2023, and closes March 7, 2024.

Broomfield mentioned that there are 19 licenses in total, with 7 Moose License for Nain, and 2 each for Hopedale, Postville, Makkvovik, Rigolet, Upperlake Melville, Canadian Consistency.

Broomfield say’s that, as far as he’s aware, they are not filled yet.

Broomfield will be travelling to Gorse Morne to attend the meetings for the non-profit licenses, and will be giving us another detailed update in the coming weeks.