Former Minister Tony Andersen Minister of Education, Economic Development statements (audio)

Tony Andersen is now, the former Minister of Education, Economic Development.

Andersen gave his statement in the most recent assembly sitting that was held in Hopedale, Nunatsiavut.

Andersen spoke on the annual plan for the division, how it focuses on business development, community development policy data collection and offering supports.

click hereto hear the full statement of Tony Andersen.

Career Trip to Halifax

If you’re in grade 11, and live in Nunatsiavut, Upper Lake Melville, and is a Nunatsiavut Beneficiary, you have an opportunity to go on a career trip to Halifax.

The selected students would be visiting post secondary schools and taking part in some activities in the city of Halifax.

To apply, you must email a paragraph, explaining why you would like to attend, and what your goals are after you finish high school to

Deadline to apply is October 20, 2023 at 4:30pm

You can send your email to Amalia McNeill, and tentative dates are November 19-25, including travel days.

Rigolet DHSD will be holding a family pumpkin carving

Rigolet DHSD will be holding a family pumpkin carving event on Monday, October 30, 2023 starting 6:30pm at the Community Hall.

Rigolet DHSD will be ordering one pumpkin for each household that registers for this event.

To register for this event, or for more information, you can call Pam at 709 947 3328 by 12 noon on Friday, October 20, 2023.

45th annual Sports meet in Nain pep rally

Its sports meet week this week here in Nain.

And this year marks the 45th annual tournament.

The Jens Haven Memorial School held their 2023 Fall Sports meet pep rally yesterday at the school gym.

We had two of our Radio Producers there to record the event.

Schools and students from Nain, Postville, Makkovik, Rigolet, Natuashish and Hopedale will be attending.

Nain DHSD walk in influenzas clinics

Nain Public Health will be holding a walk-in influenza and COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the DHSD building in the Multi purpose room.

Wednesday, October 25. 1-5pm and 6-8pm
Thursday, October 26. 1-5pm and 6-8pm

Wednesday, November 1. 1-5pm and 6-8pm

Tuesday, November 7. 1-5pm and 6-8pm
Wednesday, November 8. 1-5pm and 6-8pm

Influenza vaccine is available for anyone 6 months of age and older.

COVID-19 vaccine is available for the following people:
– Anyone 6 months of age or older who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine in the last 6 months.

Influenza and COVID-19 vaccines will both be available and can be administered together safely during the same visit.

If you would like further information or have any questions, please call Public Health at 709 922 2962.

Nunatsiavut Government made an Immediate Release

October 10, 2023 the Nunatsiavut Government made an Immediate Release, and it reads:

The Nunatsiavut Government stands with Innu Nation Fake Indigenous groups threatening health, wellbeing, and legitimate connections to lands Nunatsiavut President Johannes Lampe today issued the following statement:

“The Nunatsiavut Government strongly supports the Innu Nation in its challenge against the Government of Canada’s decision to sign the 2019 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC).”

This decision drastically undermines and could indefinitely postpone the Innu Nation’s treaty process, which has been ongoing for over 40 years.

“The Nunatsiavut Government finds it deeply concerning that Canada proceeded to sign this MOU despite having categorically rejected NCC’s claims on four separate occasions over two decades, concluding each time that there is insufficient evidence to support NCC’s claim to be an Indigenous rights-holding group under s. 35 of the Constitution.”

“The Nunatsiavut Government does not recognize NCC as a legitimate Indigenous collective capable of holding s. 35 rights. NCC members do not have a viable claim to land in Labrador.”

Inuit know who Inuit are and Inuit in Canada do not accept NCC members as Inuit. The NCC’s proposed land claim lacks recognition based on their research, consultations, and the history of Labrador Inuit.

“The Nunatsiavut Government agrees that these fake Indigenous groups are becoming a huge threat to Canada’s legitimate Indigenous peoples’ sacred connections to our lands, our health and wellbeing.”

“We stand with the Innu Nation in issuing a decisive call for non-Indigenous people, including those in positions of power, to stop enabling fraudulent groups like the NCC”

Terry Vincent Minister Statement (audio)

Terry Vincent is the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources for the Nunatsiavut Government.

Vincent gave his statements to Mr. Speak at day 1 of the most recent Assembly sitting that took place in Hopedale, Nunatsiavut.

Vincent speaks briefly on renewable resources, wildlife, and land division.

click hereto hear the audio of the full statement from Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Terry Vincent.

Innu Nation Media Release

The Innu of Labrador address impact of collective pretendianism in court challenge.

A federal court hearing that was scheduled for today October 11th, 2023 is now postponed.

The Innu of Labrador are challenging the Canadian Government’s right to sign a 2019 memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC) and calling upon the Federal Court to cancel the agreement.

“Innu Nation is protecting the rights of Innu by ensuring that Canada follows the law, including the Constitution,” stated Grand Chief Simon Pokue.

“Canada stated in the 2019 MOU that NCC is an ‘Indigenous collective capable of holding section 35 Aboriginal rights’. Canada’s decision ignored the Constitution, which defines ‘Aboriginal peoples of Canada’ as Indian, Inuit and Métis peoples.

Furthermore, Canada signed the MOU despite having rejected NCC’s claims on four separate occasions, over two decades, and having concluded each time that there is insufficient evidence to support NCC’s claim to be an Aboriginal rights-holding group under s. 35 of the Constitution.”

In its 1998 response to NCC’s land claim, Canada’s report stated: “The LMN [NunatuKavut] is a modern political organization that represents people of varying degrees of Aboriginal ancestry and not an aboriginal collectivity capable of holding aboriginal rights.”

Investigations conducted by the Canadian government in 2003, 2013 and 2017 came to the same conclusion. Despite this, and with no other rational explanation, Canada made the decision to enter into the 2019 MOU with NCC.

This decision would seriously diminish and delay Innu Nation’s treaty process, which has been ongoing for over 40 years. The Canadian Human Rights Commission has called repeatedly for immediate action to finalize the Innu treaty in three separate reports spanning three decades. “Canada actions undermine our rights and our treaty process,” said Grand Chief Simon Pokue.

Since the 1980s, the NCC has worked to invent a narrative of Indigenous nationhood. The MOU is part of a much larger plan by NCC to create a history that never happened. Their identity has shifted to suit their needs – from being Settlers to Metis to Inuit-Metis to Inuit.

“To be clear,” added Grand Chief Simon Pokue, “Innu Nation does not dispute that individual members of NCC may and do have Indigenous ancestry. We have no quarrel with individuals recognizing and exploring their ancestry. But the NCC is not an Indigenous nation, and it never has been.”

NCC’s claim is also strongly rejected by the only other legitimate Indigenous group in Labrador, the Nunatsiavut Government (which represents all Labrador Inuit), and by the national body representing all Inuit in Canada, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.

Deputy Grand Chief Chris Rich said “These fake, newfound Indigenous nations have white privilege, this privilege and the access that they have within governments is how they got this far while Innu and other Indigenous people in Canada are struggling.

That NCC has called us greedy liars and accused us of lateral violence for standing up for our rights is evidence enough that they have nothing to say and can only use abusive language to make their point. Canadians should not buy into this – we know who we are, and we know who they are not.”

“Non-Indigenous people, including those in government, need to stop enabling latter-day pop-up groups like NCC out of some misguided belief they are fostering reconciliation. They are not. They are enabling fake groups to siphon resources and rights away from legitimate Indigenous nations. This group, like others across Canada, is milking taxpayers for millions of dollars and undermining legitimate Indigenous communities and our children,” concluded Grand Chief Simon Pokue.

Nain Public Health will be holding a walk-in influenza and COVID-19 vaccine clinic

Nain Public Health will be holding a walk-in influenza and COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the DHSD building in the Multi purpose room.

Wednesday, October 25. 1-5pm and 6-8pm
Thursday, October 26. 1-5pm and 6-8pm

Wednesday, November 1. 1-5pm and 6-8pm

Tuesday, November 7. 1-5pm and 6-8pm
Wednesday, November 8. 1-5pm and 6-8pm

Influenza vaccine is available for anyone 6 months of age and older.

COVID-19 vaccine is available for the following people:
– Anyone 6 months of age or older who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine in the last 6 months.

Influenza and COVID-19 vaccines will both be available and can be administered together safely during the same visit.

If you would like further information or have any questions, please call Public Health at 709 922 2962.

Nunatsiavut Government Immediate Release

Yesterday the Nunatsiavut Government made an Immediate Release, and it reads:

The Nunatsiavut Government stands with Innu Nation Fake Indigenous groups threatening health, wellbeing, and legitimate connections to lands Nunatsiavut President Johannes Lampe today issued the following statement:

“The Nunatsiavut Government strongly supports the Innu Nation in its challenge against the Government of Canada’s decision to sign the 2019 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC).

This decision drastically undermines and could indefinitely postpone the Innu Nation’s treaty process, which has been ongoing for over 40 years.

“The Nunatsiavut Government finds it deeply concerning that Canada proceeded to sign this MOU despite having categorically rejected NCC’s claims on four separate occasions over two decades, concluding each time that there is insufficient evidence to support NCC’s claim to be an Indigenous rights-holding group under s. 35 of the Constitution.

“The Nunatsiavut Government does not recognize NCC as a legitimate Indigenous collective capable of holding s. 35 rights. NCC members do not have a viable claim to land in Labrador.

Inuit know who Inuit are and Inuit in Canada do not accept NCC members as Inuit. The NCC’s proposed land claim lacks recognition based on their research, consultations, and the history of Labrador Inuit.

“The Nunatsiavut Government agrees that these fake Indigenous groups are becoming a huge threat to Canada’s legitimate Indigenous peoples’ sacred connections to our lands, our health and wellbeing.

“We stand with the Innu Nation in issuing a decisive call for non-Indigenous people, including those in positions of power, to stop enabling fraudulent groups like the NCC.” Media Contact: Bert Pomeroy, Director of Communications (709) 896-8582