Smartice update with Youth- Siegfried Merkuratsuk

The SmartICE northern lead production center recruited workers for their 2023 employment readiness and technology development program.

Which started on May 23rd, 2023.

We spoke with Siegfried Merkuratsuk who is one of the youths recruited for the Smart ice.

The program is open to youth ages 18-30 and will run from May 23 – June 22, 2023. Taking place Monday – Thursday from 9:00a.m – 3:00p.m.

The youth participants learn skills such as digital and financial literacy, resume building, skill building (Lean, WHMIS) and STEM skills such as how to assemble the Smart Buoy ice monitoring sensor, which are then shipped to communities across the Arctic.

The goal of the program is to prepare participants to success in the current labor market. Ongoing career support will be provided by WRDC following completion of the training program.