Stories by elder Sophie Jararuse- Keelan (audio)

Sophie Jararuse Keelan now lives in George River, Northern Quebec.

Keelan was relocated to Makkovik from Hebron when she was eleven years old.

Keelan says, she travels to Hebron, Silluak, Sallikuluk to the Torngat Mountains every opportunity she has.

She was able to visit her spring camp this summer to Kinnitukuluk, a place she hasn’t seen for approximately 60 years.

She says when she a girl her father had shot a beluga whale there and that the skeleton head of the beluga whale is still there.

Keeland also talked about the Tuniit, a tattoo that is placed on a women’s face to acknowledge their ability to sew and when they know how to clean a seal skin.

Keeland says that today, young people just put Tuniit onto their faces now without knowing the real meaning behind it, but she said she is okay with that, because times are changing.

click here to hear the interview with Sophie Keelan about her stories.